online edition

The Student Newspaper of Hopkins School

    • A bike is donated as a gift for children at St. Luke’s.

    • Maroon Key hosts a toy drive for St. Luke’s.

Beyond the Bow: The Art of Gift Giving

Christina Feng ’28 Campus Correspondent
With the holidays drawing near, the hunt for presents has begun.
With the holidays draw-
ing near, the hunt for pres-
ents has begun. For many, gift-
giving is a big part of winter
holidays. Katie Spenner ’25 said,
“My favorite part of the holidays
is participating in gift exchanges.”
When trying to find a good
gift, some
s t u d e n t s
turn to re-
gifting or
gifting them
they own.
Kaelin Vas-
seur ’25, be-
lieves that
r e - g i f t i n g
“can still be
if you know
that [the re-
ceiver would] like it.” Alan Xu ’26
also thinks that “regifting is fine in
most cases where you already have
something or don’t need the thing
that you were gifted anymore.” Xu
additionally mentioned how regift-
ing “reduces a lot of waste.” Isha
Seth ’28, however, opposes this
practice and believes that “gifts
should be new, out of respect to
the person you’re giving them to.”
Students are also divided
on how to best present gifts. Jack
Beauclair ’27 prefers gift bags over
wrapping paper because “[bags] are
reusable.” Annie Zhang ’27 adds
that “gift
bags use
less mate-
rial.” Lora
K e n y o n
’28, how-
ever, prefers
w r a p p e d
p r e s e n t s
b e c a u s e
“it hints at
what’s in-
side and
it takes
some ef-
fort to wrap
something.” Xu agrees, and
said that wrapped presents
show “a higher level of care.”
Students are split on wheth-
er or not gift cards are an acceptable
present. Xu says
“if it is someone
you know well,
I don’t think it
is an acceptable
gift, as it could
mean you don’t
understand this
person as well.”
Beauclair dis-
agrees and be-
lieves that gift
cards are ac-
ceptable “espe-
cially if people
get older and
want more free-
dom for pur-
chasing gifts.
It feels more
personal to give gift cards to a ser-
vice or store you know they like.”
Seth is also in favor of gift cards
because “you can give someone a
gift card depending on what their
interests are and what they like.”
While there may be dis-
agreements over the specifics of
presents, most students agree that
gift-giving is a good practice to par-
ticipate in. Xu believes that “giving
someone a gift is the most direct
and most material way to show how
much you care about them in ac-
tion.” Kenyon says that receiving a
gift “makes you feel appreciated.”
Mateus Witczak ’26 said:
“Gifts show someone that you put ef-
fort into getting something the other
person would like.” Vassar notes that
“someone spent their time and
money to get you [a gift].” Kenyon
sums up: “any gift is a good gift.”
Editor in Chief 
Asher Joseph

Managing Editor 
Margaret Russell

Claire Billings
Jo Reymond
Rose Porosoff
Eric Roberts
Abby Rakotomavo
Elona Spiewak
Veena Scholand
Miriam Levin
Liliana Dumas
Saisha Ghai
Olivia Yu
Anya Mahajan
Rain Zeng
Winter Szarabajka
Aerin O'Brien

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Web Editors
Amelia Hudonogov-Foster
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The Razor's Edge reflects the opinion of 4/5 of the editorial board and will not be signed. The Razor welcomes letters to the editor but reserves the right to decide which letters to publish, and to edit letters for space reasons. Unsigned letters will not be published, but names may be withheld on request. Letters are subject to the same libel laws as articles. The views expressed in letters are not necessarily those of the editorial board.
The Razor,
 an open forum publication, is published monthly during the school year by students of: 
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