Christina Feng ’28 Campus Correspondent
With the holidays drawing near, the hunt for presents has begun. For many, gift-giving is a big part of winter holidays. Katie Spenner ’25 said, “My favorite part of the holidays is participating in gift exchanges.”
Karolina Jasaitis ’27 Campus Correspondent
Following the three weeks between Thanksgiving and Christmas break, many Hopkins students return to the comfort of their homes and spend some much-needed time with family. The holidays: a time of nostalgia, comfort, and rest that Hopkins students covet most dearly. Many families cherish traditions such as watching holiday films every year during the holidays.
Abby Rakotomavo ’26 Features Editor and Veena Scholand ’26 Assistant Features Editor
With 2025 quickly approaching, students are setting goals to work toward in the new year. While some, like Logan Matthews ’25, view them as an opportunity for “self improvement [and] embracing the finite nature of life,” others are more cynical about making resolutions. According to Henry Weinstein ’26, New Years’ resolutions are “an arbitrary idea that humans created that the turn of the year should be the time to actually get your act together.” On the other hand, Olive Snow ’30 believes, “Every year is another chance to try again.”
Veena Scholand ’26 Assistant Features Editor and Abby Rakotomavo ’26 Features Editor
With students flocking to Instagram the second anything remotely interesting happens, more and more Hopkins-affiliated Instagram pages are being created. Posts on these accounts range from funny candids of their friends to informational posts about Hopkins events. Recently, gossip pages have grown in popularity within the Hopkins community, with one freshman-run account gaining the school’s attention. This raises the question: do Hopkins administrators have the right to restrict students' online activity? If so, what are the limitations of this power?
Christina Feng ’28 Campus Correspondent
With the holidays drawing near, the hunt for presents has begun.
Karolina Jasaitis ’27 Campus Correspondent
Following the three weeks between Thanksgiving and Christmas break, many Hopkins students return to the comfort of their homes and spend some much-needed time with family.
Abby Rakotomavo ’26 Features Editor Veena Scholand ’26 Assistant Features Editor
With 2025 quickly approaching, students are setting goals to work toward in the new year.
Veena Scholand ’26 Assistant Features Editor
Hopkins prom is an annual event for juniors, seniors, and their guests. Ava Maccaro ’24, a member of the prom Committee, says this year “the theme for the dance is Mean Girls and Y2K.” Mean Girls was a popular movie from the 2000s, and Y2K means “year 2000,” or fashion trends from the 2000s. Maccaro shared that the prom Committee arranged for the event to be held at Woodwinds Venue in Branford on June 4th at 7pm.
Elona Spiewak ’26 Assistant Features Editor
As the 2023-2024 school draws to a close, Hopkins seniors are focusing on their next four years. Now that they have selected what college they will attend, they can dive into the more nitty-gritty aspects. Out of the many details to consider, one of their concerns is finding a roommate for their college dormitory. A roommate is more than just someone who sleeps across the room from you.
Eric Fusscas assistant features editor '26
As the springtime weather warms up the Hill, students are venturing outside to the quad during their freetime to play the most popular game on campus: Spikeball. Students need a break from the academic push at the end of the school year and find relaxation and joy through playing Spikeball. Students also recognize the unifying impact Spikeball has on our community and its ability to benefit others, like Brayden Gray ’24 who hosted a recent Spikeball tournament.
Abby Rakotomavo ’26 Features Editor
With the 2023-24 school year coming to an end, students and faculty alike are looking forward to enjoying summer’s heat, blue skies, and freedom from school-related obligations. Free time may entail relaxing and focusing on hobbies, and several people partake in yearly traditions that make summer a more special time for them.
Elona Spiewak ’26 Assistant Features Editor
Since 2016, the Hopkins Authentic Research Programs in Science (HARPS) has given qualifying Hopkins students hands-on experience in a lab while simultaneously continuing their studies in the sciences. For almost a decade, dozens of students have been able to conduct their own experiments and research, both within
and outside of Hopkins. This unique opportunity, however, was nearly extinguished.
Veena Scholand ’26 Assistant Features Editor
Don’t know where to go during your free block? Hopkins students have varying opinions on the best place to hang out during their free blocks. Students’ opinions range from those who prefer to lounge on the couches in Upper Heath to those who play sports in the Athletic Center, and some even prefer the outdoors.
Abby Rakotomavo ’26 Features Editor
In an era where pirated online textbooks replace traditional ones and SMART boards overtake chalkboards, the age-old question persists: What is the superior method of note-taking? Hopkins students remain divided on this issue, with some defending the classic paper-and-pen experience and others arguing that digital notes are better.
Sarvin Bhagwagar’24 Features Editor Rania Das’26 Assistant Features Editor
With the sweltering summer days behind us, the arrival of fall is a welcome one — a lingering chill, showers of red and gold fluttering down from the trees, the crunch of leaves underfoot — autumn is in the air.
Mira Krichavsky ’24 Features Editor Eric Roberts ’25 Assistant Features Editor
When asked to share its controversial opinions, known as “hot takes,” the Hopkins community jumped at the chance. A school survey polled students on hot takes ranging from dessert and dining hall snacks to Taylor Swift and fashion.
Anika Madan ’24 Lead Features Editor
Fall has officially arrived on the hill: afternoon highs in the mid-60s, apple cider donuts in the cafe — and college applications for seniors. For insight and advice into the fall application experience, the Razor reached out to members of the Class of ’24 and Hopkins College Counseling Office.
Welcome, New Hopkins Faculty!
Mira Krichavsky ’24 Features Editor Rania Das ’26 Assistant Features Editor
With Spring Service Week completed, the Hopkins community shifted its focus to alternate forms of community service. Students, parents, and faculty have been contributing to the work of HangTime, an organization based in Bridgeport that helps reintegrate formerly incarcerated people back into society.