online edition

The Student Newspaper of Hopkins School


List of 20 news stories.

  • International Women’s Day is celebrated around the world.

    International Women’s Day: For All Women

    Rain Zeng’26, Op/Ed Editor
    March 8 is such an important day for women in other countries — and I’ve always wondered why it isn’t for Americans. My parents and relatives celebrate International Women’s Day through gifts, and women even get a half-day off work every year in China. As a child of immigrants, I know that there are many aspects of American culture that differ from that of other countries; holidays and traditions celebrated elsewhere may not be a commonplace observance here.
  • Can AI replace human companionship? (Hailey Wiley '25)

    The AI Friend Dilemma: Go Outside (Please).

    Anya Mahajan ’25, Lead Op/Ed Editor
    Human-to-human interactions have steadily declined due to the silent period of suffering during the pandemic. The final nail in that coffin of connection? Artificial intelligence (AI) companions, offering a person something to confide in, with a free, instant accessibility that will always beat out your friend who takes 3-5 business days to text back.
  • What's in a "Scarf"? Modern Cultural Appropriation

    Anya Mahajan '25
    This summer, the “Scandinavian scarf” took TikTok by storm. The only thing is, the Scandinavian scarf
    isn’t Scandinavian — it’s Indian.
  • Granny? More Like Mommy: The Prevalence of Ageism in Beauty

    Winter Szarabajka ’27 Op/Ed Assistant Editor
    Throughout history, beauty has been defined extensively by characteristics such as a youthful appearance, perfect skin, and cleanliness.
  • Letter to the Editor: Heidi Dawidoff

    Heidi Dawidoff
    The Letter to the Editor excerpted below was written by Heidi Dawidoff, a retired Hopkins English teacher, in response to Mira Krichavsky’s story in the December 2023 issue of The Razor about the merger of the all-boys Hopkins Grammar School and all-girls Day Prospect Hill (DPH) (“Looking Back on a Thorny Path to Coeducation”).
  • There is no shortage of ignorance in comments under short-form videos.

    Short-Form Content, Social Media, and Sinophobia

    Rain Zeng ’26 Op/Ed Editor
    The past few decades have seen a spread of East Asian culture, with phenomena like the internationalization of Japanese anime and the global rise of Korean pop culture.
  • A glimpse of a Hopkins student’s desk and planner.

    We Think Hopkins Needs to Rethink How We Do Our Thinking

    Aerin O’Brien ’26 Op/Ed Assistant Editor
    Recently, I was watching an episode of “Grey's Anatomy” where the interns were learning how to triage patients in a mass casualty event.
  • Hanna procrastinates in the Lower Library.

    Confessions of a Procrastinator

    Hanna Jennings ’24 Managing Editor
    To my current teachers: you can stop reading now. During my four years at Hopkins, I’ve heard the warning what seems like a million times. When an important project or the infamous research paper is assigned, teachers and advisors co-conspire to make sure that you are not saving it all for the last minute.
  • NASA illustration of Artemis Program astronauts on the lunar South Pole.

    Redirecting Resources: Climate Change or the Milky Way?

    Edel Lee ’26 Assistant Op/Ed Editor
    Two months ago, India’s Chandrayaan-3 made history as the first spacecraft to land on the southern polar
    region of the Moon.
  • Cartoon by Hailey Willey ’25

    Hot Brothers and Two Lovers: The Summer I Turned Pretty

    Miriam Levin ’26 Assistant Op/Ed Editor
    What would you do if two of the hottest guys you knew were fighting over you? That’s the premise of the Prime Original TV series The Summer I Turned Pretty.
  • Cartoon by Hailey Willey

    Brennan Is Everything; Elicker’s Just Ken

    Teddy Witt ’24 Lead Op/Ed Editor
    If you live or spend a lot of time in New Haven, you’ve probably seen white and blue election signs go up in your neighbors’ yards — white for Liam Brennan, Hartford’s first inspector general, and blue for the incumbent Mayor Justin Elicker.
  • Cartoon by Hailey Willey ’25.

    Never Have I Ever... Felt More Represented On-Screen

    Asher Joseph ’25 Op/Ed Editor
    According to tennis legend John McEnroe, narrator of Mindy Kaling’s hit Netflix show “Never Have I Ever,” “Aunties are older Indian women who have no blood relation to you, but are allowed to have opinions about your life and all your shortcomings and you have to be nice to them because you’re Indian.”
  • Cringe: The cast of “Gen Z Hospital” poses for a selfie.

    Saturday Night Live: Is It Still Funny?

    Miri Levin ’26 Assistant Op/Ed Editor
    “Saturday Night Live,” often abbreviated to SNL, is one of the most famous late-night television programs on the air.
  • “Toxic Charity” by Robert Lupton

    Who Benefits from Community Service?

    Edel Lee ’26 Assistant Op/Ed Editor
    We are taught to praise volunteers for their sacrifice of time and effort. We know that we should volunteer. But is volunteering always helpful to communities in need? Or can community service end up only benefiting the volunteer?
  • Biden delivers a 2020 campaign speech in Columbia, South Carolina.

    Decidin’ on Biden: Is 81 Too Old to Run?

    Teddy Witt ’24 Lead Op/Ed Editor
    In 19 months, millions of Americans will vote for the Democratic Party’s nominee for president.
  • Cartoon by Hailey Willey

    The Drag War Drags On

    Rain Zeng ’26 Assistant Op/Ed Editor
    Colorful costumes, exaggerated makeup, and queer creativity. These are elements of drag, a performance art with complex roots and a vital role in LGBTQ+ culture.
  • A group of girls recites the Boy Scout pledge.

    To Cook or To Camp? Scouting For Gender Roles

    Asher Joseph ’25 Op/Ed Editor
    Since the 1970s, young girls have sought acceptance into the Boy Scouts of America (BSA), arguing that the organization offers more extensive opportunities to develop skills otherwise absent from the programming of the Girl Scouts of the USA.
  • Rioters storm the National Congress of Brazil

    Insurrection and the Internet: Social Media’s Danger to Democracy

    Chloe Wang '26
    For many international viewers, the recent Brazilian riots came as a shock. For those living in Brazil, however, this violence was not surprising.
  • Sophia Neilson ‘23 studies for her Statistics midterm.

    Managing the Need to Succeed: Exams Before Break

    Miriam Levin ’26
    Making students take dreaded midterm exams right after the break is not beneficial for anyone. Choosing whether to prioritize grades or rest is a struggle in the first place; adding in midterms and a long break harms students and their mental health. If midterms were before winter break, students would avoid stress, burnout, breaking the handbook, and wasting time.
  • A teenager opens the TikTok app on their phone.

    Trends in Media: Shorter Content Reflects Growing Democracy

    Melody Cui '23
    In 2018, when TikTok first became the hottest new platform, it was unique for its full embrace of short-form videos. Although earlier apps and Vine made way for shorter content through lip-sync covers and six-second loops respectively, TikTok was the first to provide a place for everything from dances to satirical skits. But while short-form videos are a relatively new development, they are also part of a greater shift in media content towards becoming more accessible and democratic, one that comes with potentially detrimental effects on society’s patience for global humanitarian issues.
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Editor in Chief 
Liliana Dumas 

Managing Editor 
Miri Levin 

Sarah Solazzo 
Rose Porosoff
Anvi Pathak 
Lena Wang
Sonali Bedi 
Abby Rakotomavo
Elona Spiewak
Becky Li
Ashley Deng
Aurelia Wen
Aerin O’Brien
Saisha Ghai
Veena Scholand
Ellie Luo
Isha Seth
Rain Zheng
Winter Szarabajka
Anjali van Bladel
Gitanjali Navaratnam-Tomayko
Bea Lundberg

Samantha Bernstein
Hana Beauregard
Elaina Paktuka
Beckett Ehrlich
Lukas Roberts
Amelia Hudonogov-Foster
Edel Lee
Micah Betts
Ari Mehta
Olivia Yu
Karolina Jasaitis 

Susie Becker 
Faculty Advisers
Stephen May
Elizabeth Gleason
Shanti Madison
The Razor's Edge reflects the opinion of 4/5 of the editorial board and will not be signed. The Razor welcomes letters to the editor but reserves the right to decide which letters to publish, and to edit letters for space reasons. Unsigned letters will not be published, but names may be withheld on request. Letters are subject to the same libel laws as articles. The views expressed in letters are not necessarily those of the editorial board.
The Razor,
 an open forum publication, is published monthly during the school year by students of: 
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