online edition

The Student Newspaper of Hopkins School


  • March

    Mody follows through on a swing. (Jonathan Beckerman)

    Gallant Golf Captain: Zal Mody

    Lukas Roberts ’27, Campus Correspondent
    As Zal Mody ’25 concludes his career in the Hopkins Aquatics Program as the captain of the Boys Varsity Water Polo and Boys Varsity Swimming teams, he turns his focus to the spring season and captains the Varsity Golf team alongside Krish Garga ’25. 
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  • Kenkare throws the ball to her teammate. (Jonathan Beckerman)

    Water Polo Wonder: Layla Kenkare

    Beatrice Lundberg ’27
    Affectionately dubbed “the wall” of her team, Layla Kenkare ’25, who co-captains the 2025 team with Josie Lipcan ’25 and Maggie Russell ’25, has been a fundamental part of the Girls Varsity Water Polo team since her freshman year. 
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< 2025
Editor in Chief 
Liliana Dumas 

Managing Editor 
Miri Levin 

Sarah Solazzo 
Rose Porosoff
Anvi Pathak 
Lena Wang
Sonali Bedi 
Abby Rakotomavo
Elona Spiewak
Becky Li
Ashley Deng
Aurelia Wen
Aerin O’Brien
Saisha Ghai
Veena Scholand
Ellie Luo
Isha Seth
Rain Zheng
Winter Szarabajka
Anjali van Bladel
Gitanjali Navaratnam-Tomayko
Bea Lundberg

Samantha Bernstein
Hana Beauregard
Elaina Paktuka
Beckett Ehrlich
Lukas Roberts
Amelia Hudonogov-Foster
Edel Lee
Micah Betts
Ari Mehta
Olivia Yu
Karolina Jasaitis 

Susie Becker 
Faculty Advisers
Stephen May
Elizabeth Gleason
Shanti Madison
The Razor's Edge reflects the opinion of 4/5 of the editorial board and will not be signed. The Razor welcomes letters to the editor but reserves the right to decide which letters to publish, and to edit letters for space reasons. Unsigned letters will not be published, but names may be withheld on request. Letters are subject to the same libel laws as articles. The views expressed in letters are not necessarily those of the editorial board.
The Razor,
 an open forum publication, is published monthly during the school year by students of: 
Hopkins School
986 Forest Road
New Haven, CT 06515

Phone: 203.397.1001 x628