online edition

The Student Newspaper of Hopkins School

    • Kenkare throws the ball to her teammate. (Jonathan Beckerman)

    • Kenkare blocks a shot during a scrimmage at Hopkins. (Jonathan Beckerman)

Water Polo Wonder: Layla Kenkare

Beatrice Lundberg ’27
Affectionately dubbed “the wall” of her team, Layla Kenkare ’25, who co-captains the 2025 team with Josie Lipcan ’25 and Maggie Russell ’25, has been a fundamental part of the Girls Varsity Water Polo team since her freshman year. 
Kenkare began her Water Polo journey as a field player five years ago, inspired by her brother’s love of the game. When she entered high school, she jumped at the chance to become a goalkeeper. At the onset of her freshman season, the starting goalie was a senior, meaning the position would be vacant the following year; in a moment of crisis, Kenkare nominated herself for the job. Nevis described her act as “a sacrifice for the betterment of the team.” Lipcan underscored this idea, stating, “I think [volunteering to be goalkeeper] is really representative of who Layla is because she was willing to step up and take on a role that no one else could do as well as she could, and frankly that no one else wanted.”
Although she entered her role with no experience, Kenkare blossomed.

Head Coach Jason Nevis praised Kenkare's skills as a goalkeeper, stating that she is “a dominating force,” and that “nothing can get by her.” In 2023, she earned the Most Valuable Player award; in 2024, she received the Most Defensive Player award. Alongside these two accomplishments, she added that her most prized achievement was when she blocked a season total of over 100 goals last spring. Kenkare elaborated, “A lot of our games rely on me blocking goals, which translates directly to our ability to win.” The whole team depends on her to succeed, which, she says, “is my motivation.”

As a team leader, Kenkare encourages her team and leads by example. Teammate Josie Sirowich ’26 recalled, “Layla is easily the core of our team. She is the first one in at warm-ups and is probably one of the few who does all the laps” Speaking to her work ethic, Amanda Myott ’27 said, “Layla is a great leader because she leads with confidence and determination, and she is driven by teamwork to help guide our team to a win.” Myott continued, “She is selfless when it comes to our team, always prioritizing our improvement and pushing us to get better.” Karolina Jasaitis ’27 added, “Last year, while she was not captain, she maintained a leadership position by being very reliable.”
Editor in Chief 
Liliana Dumas 

Managing Editor 
Miri Levin 

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Karolina Jasaitis 

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Faculty Advisers
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 an open forum publication, is published monthly during the school year by students of: 
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